COVID-19 and the Groundhog Day episode
Some people are adamant that 'Die Hard' is, in fact, a Christmas movie. And they will make sure to let you know they are edgy enough to allow this obscure piece of trivia to affect their lives.
I am not much into 'Die Hard' but, rest assured, on the 15th of June I would repeat 'Blink 182' until it clicks.
I am not much into 'Die Hard' but, rest assured, on the 15th of June I would repeat 'Blink 182' until it clicks.

182 are the days in half a year, which falls on the 15th of June.
Blink, and half a year has passed.
Which is precisely the mood of this June. It feels like last time I blinked was around St. Valentine's and now we're in July.
Yet I am very much aware of the hard work I have put into my job for the past months. That did not feel like a blink at all. All this effort feels like I've been living the same day over and over again.
I am sure whoever is working from home must be experiencing the same odd feeling of knowing time has passed but thinking nothing has been accomplished. Plus, the lack of change in scenery and events to look forward to don't help with the loopy feeling.
In the past weeks I've had the chance to catch-up with friends on a surreal zoom chat where everyone was on speaker but nobody really said anything. And even the friends we could see in person had nothing to say because nothing actually happened to any of us.
If life was a TV show, we would all be stuck in a classic Groundhog Day episode.
Every morning I wake up to the same song, I get camera-ready, wear combat boots, walk through an empty city when the sky is still dark, get my temperature taken, answer calls for eight hours, then put my earphones back in, head home when the sky is already dark, fall asleep before dinner.
Intro song cue, and repeat.
This whole COVID-19 world pandemic is not the entire season, it's simply a loop episode and not a funny one.
No matter what we do, how we interact with people, if we run to catch that train or not, there is no right combination of actions that would let us move onto the next episode.
This June brings a mix of blink-182 and blink-still-here feelings.
Many would argue that if you haven't taken this pandemic by its balls and haven't made the most out of the lockdown in terms of learning and self-improvement, then you did it all wrong.
As I said, I used my fancy stationery and skincare samples. Such is the extent of my contribution to improving my life during COVID-19.
I don't have time for anything else in this loop of music and dark skies.
If you can guarantee that everything you learned made you wake up in the next episode, please, provide proof and a written statement, and I will gladly check my life-player to make sure it isn't accidentally on repeat.
Image: via
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