Extroverts out of lockdown

Can we all take a step back and remember the time when we would enjoy the simple things, such as smelling roses or having a social life... Then, the pandemic came and we could hear from inside every introvert's house a faint scream of joy. No more excuses to avoid gatherings! And as everyone else became lazier and lazier setting the bar for what can be defined as a 'healthy social life', I started to wonder if with a vaccine on the horizon, we would be jumping in on any chance of public engagement, or if something has indeed broken inside every extrovert and now a 'Treat yo'self' evening with wine and your cat is a perfectly suitable option for a Friday night.       

Extroverts out of lockdown

As long as there's proof on Instagram!

That's it. All that's left of extroverts is a trail of 'me-time' photos and a shift in volume from makeup to skincare on our bathroom counters, or from handbags to comfortable pants on the chair next to our beds.

You know the chair. We all have the chair.

If, during lockdown, we needed a valid reason to leave the house, now are we desperately looking for a valid excuse to stay inside?

As you may, or may not, know, my birthday this year aligned with the end of the infamous lockdown that brought Melbourne to number-one-most-locked-down-city-in-the-whole-known-universe.

Pretty sure that's the official title, look out for license plates next year!

It's been so long since I celebrated my birthday properly, I forgot what it entailed. I did not make any plan as I was not expecting the end of restrictions to happen right before my birthday like some sort of divine gift from the sky. But, as an extrovert without Instagram, I still like the idea of interacting with people to fulfil my social needs.

Much like a character in The Sims.

My social status has been red for so long that anything slightly orange feels overwhelming and, I have to admit, my comfort bar has replaced the social one just like everyone else's.

Have you seen the volume shift from gym clothes to pyjama in my closet?

So Barbs, what have you planned for your birthday?
Why thanks for asking. I didn't plan anything and every option feels ever so slightly unbearable.
Not even drinks?
Ehhh. That sounds like a commitment, what if I have a puzzle to finish
Come on, you have to celebrate on Saturday. 
No, can't do Saturday, sorry, I'll be busy mentally preparing for Sunday. 
Oooh why? What I'm doing on Sunday?
I think I will order food. 
But lockdown is over, you can go out!
I know, but why going out when I can stay inside? What if it rains? Plus, something may happen so we have to allow for a few days before and after that to recover. 
Why, what's going to happen? 
Oh, you know, stuff. Like getting a parcel, or a scam phone call. Gotta be prepared.

You get my drift. Other priorities have substituted the most basic social needs even for an extrovert like me.

You see, I like the idea of a picnic but if Mercury is in retrograde I don’t think I can do it.

And Mercury is indeed in retrograde! At least it was, until October 18th.

To support my case, my horoscope tells me that this is a good time for resting and recharging but a retrograde can be an even slower phase in which I can get a bit frustrated with everything I’m attempting to achieve.

Hey Barbs! Do you want to come out and play?
Sorry, my Mercury said no. See you tomorrow online.

Image: via


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