Millennials reached their goal
I planned to write an insightful article about TikTok. Something that was both witty and accurate, to inform and entertain just like 'the real blogs' do. But then I realised, I am too old for TikTok.
I mean, look at me, I am asleep by eleven and I keep an assortment of vitamins right next to the sofa for easy access.
I mean, look at me, I am asleep by eleven and I keep an assortment of vitamins right next to the sofa for easy access.

What do I know about TikTok? It's like that time I wrote about Instagram without having an Instagram account.
So, I won't be talking about TikTok even if that's the last mundane topic during this extended Victorian lockdown due to 'state of disaster.' Although, I have to admit, Victorians have a tendency to dramatise. Just look at the fire warnings: low-moderate, high, very high, severe, extreme, code red.
TikTok is definitely a Gen Z thing. They call them 'Zoomers' now, allegedly because they use Zoom but I am to believe it's a play on Boomers. Speaking of which: COVID-19 seems to have a target audience, and it's the Baby Boomers. Notice how every generation has its thing... What do Millennials have?
Follow me while I bring you back to 2015/2016. My generation was the target audience for all things fantastic and zero things serious. We'd put glitter in our hair and scream:
can't adult today ! be a mermaid ! anti-social social club ! just me and my cat ! unicorns are my only friends !
Trust me, I've been there and the glitter still stuck in my keyboard is my witness.
We've spent years pretending not to be here, just like we did as teenagers when our parents' friends were visiting and we'd be hiding in our bedrooms surfing on Myspace.
Well, 2020 granted our holographic wishes. No need to wear a bra, no need to interact with people, no need to come out of our fairy-light decorated shells. We can be introverts together.
Now with free backgrounds!
All we've ever wanted was to avoid social interactions without the need to come up with excuses, and we've reached our goal. The last thing I want to do, as an elder Millennial, is give you an excuse as for why I am not flossing on the TikTok.
I may not be adulting today, but I sure as COVID-19 won't be TikTok'ing either.
I finally reached an age where I am not ashamed of not having an account with every latest social media craze, and my social circle can join me in my bubble.
But only virtually or 1.5 meters away.
Image: via
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