Warning: Explicit Containers

Hello everyone! I can now happily announce that I found  enough strange things around to write a first post about them and share them with you. The theme this time is "containers" but of course I went a little bit off-topic.

When I saw the jar full of pills I didn't really get that they had messages written in a rolled up piece of paper inside. I think you can also write your own positive and inspiring messages for when you need a 'Happy pill'. Also the 'Short story' idea is so cool and easy to make with materials you have at home. That's my inner Pinterest coming out.

Another thing that seems pretty common are dino-style plant pots. Pink and golden, or white, or mint. It almost makes me want to have living plants at home... Almost!

And everything antlers or horns: from cardboard stag heads to furry rabbits with antlers.

If the sight of decapitated animals scares you, wait till you find yourself surrounded by dead un-deads! How? By using this simple and cheap 'Zombie Repellent'! Trust them, it works.

You could always pair it up with this 'Courage' in a jar...

Talking about containers, here's something I wish I had during high school, instead of my Minnie Mouse pencil case (which is surprisingly still completely intact!)

Last but not least, here's another interesting container. This time it's up to you what you'll use it for... Which brings us to next time's theme, so say tuned! And always remember: 'This could be booze'.


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