St.Valentine's Swap! Part 1
Hi everyone, this will be a double language post after a long time of English-only, I hope you don't mind but you will understand soon enough the reason of it.
The lovely Alice from Cute 'N' Roll had the great idea to organise a Valentines' Swap, I guess it's Italian based, hence the double language...
I've done a few swaps in the past and I loved all of them, esp the theme factor!! Obviously, considering the time of the year, this swap's theme will be St. Valentines but I like the fact that it won't necessarily be all chocolate and hearts because she gave us a list of questions to answer on our blogs so that the random partner picked for each of us can know a little bit more about the other. Genius isn't it??
Let me translate the questions and the answers, because "this is my spot" u.u
What are your favourite/least favourite colours?
I wear mainly black but I love pastel coloured objects. Blue *which is my unlucky colour* and other 'natural' colours are definitely not on my list.
What is your statement accessory?
Even though I love them, my fingers are sadly too thin for rings but I compensate with long painted nails. I also love everything spiked, and nylons :P
Describe your style in three words:
alternative, comfortable, expressive. *Gawd this was hard to answer!!*
Most used make-up product?
It would surely be the blusher. I don't have many *what are 'many' anyway* but I basically never go out without it.
Favourite dessert?
You all know I can't resist cupcakes *you don't saaay!* and macarons. But when it comes to chocolate, the darker the better!
How do you feel about St. Valentine's day? Do you celebrate? Do you hate/love it?
I pretty much never have a bf on that day so I don't really celebrate. But I don't hate it at all, I guess I'm just indifferent to it. I'm not the romantic type anyway.
Stay tuned for what I will receive, and I'll link here my future-random-swap-partner post about what she got from me as well.
The lovely Alice from Cute 'N' Roll had the great idea to organise a Valentines' Swap, I guess it's Italian based, hence the double language...
Ciao a tutti, era da un bel po' che non postavo anche in italiano ma
Alice mi ha dato un ottimo motivo per farlo!! Ha infatti proposto l'idea di
uno swap di S. Valentino tra bloggers <3 Gli swap fatti *e ricevuti* in passato
mi hanno lasciato un bel ricordo di questa iniziativa, quindi
la ho colta al volo e mi accingo a seguire le istruzioni per partecipare.
Siete anche voi ancora in tempo per unirvi,
trovate tutto quello che dovete sapere sul suo blog Cute 'N' Roll :)
I've done a few swaps in the past and I loved all of them, esp the theme factor!! Obviously, considering the time of the year, this swap's theme will be St. Valentines but I like the fact that it won't necessarily be all chocolate and hearts because she gave us a list of questions to answer on our blogs so that the random partner picked for each of us can know a little bit more about the other. Genius isn't it??
Nonostante il tema 'valentinesco' lasci pensare a regalini
romantici e cioccolatosi non è necessariamente così,
ci sono alcune domande a cui rispondere per conoscere meglio i gusti
delle partecipanti, soprattutto in previsione delle coppie formate a random
che non necessariamente si conoscono già.
E le domande sono:
Quali sono i tuoi colori preferiti/odiati?
Vesto principalmente di nero ma mi piace circondarmi di oggetti lilla o mint,
insomma i colori pastello. Il blu *che mi porta sfortuna*
e i colori solari in generale non mi attirano per nulla.
insomma i colori pastello. Il blu *che mi porta sfortuna*
e i colori solari in generale non mi attirano per nulla.
Accessorio preferito?
Nonostante gli anelli siano tra i miei accessori preferiti
con mio sommo dispiacere ho le dita troppo sottili per portarne la maggior parte,
quindi ripiego sulle unghie, sempre lunghe e smaltate.
con mio sommo dispiacere ho le dita troppo sottili per portarne la maggior parte,
quindi ripiego sulle unghie, sempre lunghe e smaltate.
In compenso adoro le calze e ogni cosa borchiata! :P
Descrivi il tuo stile in 3 parole:
alternative, comfortable, expressive
(è stato difficilissimo trovare tre parole che non siano generi musicali
o singoli indumenti che uso come statement piece)
alternative, comfortable, expressive
(è stato difficilissimo trovare tre parole che non siano generi musicali
o singoli indumenti che uso come statement piece)
Prodotto di make up più utilizzato?
Senza dubbio il blush. Non ne ho tanti ma non esco mai senza <3
Dolce preferito?
Quando vedo cupcakes o macarons non riesco a resistere.
Ma quando si tratta di dolci più comuni direi che cioccolato fondente
e liquirizia sono i miei preferiti :P
e liquirizia sono i miei preferiti :P
Come vivi San Valentino? Lo festeggi? Lo ami/odi
Non lo festeggio perché solitamente non ho mai un ragazzo. LOL.
Però la cosa non mi crea particolare ansia o depressione.
Mi è abbastanza indifferente ecco. Non sono decisamente la romanticità(?)
fatta a persona.
Let me translate the questions and the answers, because "this is my spot" u.u
What are your favourite/least favourite colours?
I wear mainly black but I love pastel coloured objects. Blue *which is my unlucky colour* and other 'natural' colours are definitely not on my list.
What is your statement accessory?
Even though I love them, my fingers are sadly too thin for rings but I compensate with long painted nails. I also love everything spiked, and nylons :P
Describe your style in three words:
alternative, comfortable, expressive. *Gawd this was hard to answer!!*
Most used make-up product?
It would surely be the blusher. I don't have many *what are 'many' anyway* but I basically never go out without it.
Favourite dessert?
You all know I can't resist cupcakes *you don't saaay!* and macarons. But when it comes to chocolate, the darker the better!
How do you feel about St. Valentine's day? Do you celebrate? Do you hate/love it?
I pretty much never have a bf on that day so I don't really celebrate. But I don't hate it at all, I guess I'm just indifferent to it. I'm not the romantic type anyway.
Stay tuned for what I will receive, and I'll link here my future-random-swap-partner post about what she got from me as well.
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